Plum Trees

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Plum Buying Guide

Plums are show stoppers up here at the farm. Sometimes in August & September, you can’t see the ground through the multi-colored plums. The trick is to plant a grove of them (4-6 trees) 8-15’ apart & let them grow in a close group. Some magic happens between them. Plant Americans with Americans, Europeans with Europeans for cross-pollination. It’s OK to have both kinds in the same area.

Read "Effortlessly Growing Plums" by David Fried in Green Energy Times, Feb 15, 2014

Small Starter size: 3-4 ft. tall from base of trunk to terminal bud. $75

Medium Field ready: 5-6 ft. tall from base of trunk to terminal bud. $150

Large Bearing age*: 7-8 ft. tall from base of trunk to terminal bud. Heavier branching than medium sized trees. trunk diameter approximately 1 inch. $250


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